
Here you can find the Frequently Asked Questions for our discord sniper tool Velocity

Velocity is a Discord Nitro Sniper. Generous discord users often share free nitro gift codes in discord servers. The first person to redeem that nitro code can have it, if you're not first you won't get it. It can be hard competing against other fast humans so that's where Velocity comes in handy. You simply put in a discord account and Velocity will analyse every single message sent in every single server that the account is in. Whenever a nitro code is shared Velocity will grab that code and redeem it within milliseconds. So with Velocity you will be able to snipe (claim) every single nitro code shared in the discord servers you're in.

So, do you never want to run out of Discord Nitro ever again? Than Velocity is the program for you!

Velocity analyses all messages in your main account as explained in: "What is Velocity and how does it work?". Discord only allows a Discord account to be in a maximum of 100 servers at once. This means you can only snipe in 100 servers at a time. This is where alts come in handy. Every alt can be in 100 servers and the more alts your have the more servers you'll be in meaning you can snipe more nitro codes

You can not use regular Discord alts. You need fully verified filled Discord alts. This means the account needs to have phone and email verified and be in around 100 servers.

There are 2 options for filling alts for Velocity.

1. Manually fill them:
First you need a discord account with verified phone number and email. Now you will use that account to join a server and verify in the server if needed. Once done you move on to the next server. Once you reach the maximum amount of servers for that account you can start with the next account.

2. Use an auto joiner+verifier:
Manually filling alts can take hours so that's why you need an auto joiner+verifier. An auto joiner+verifier basically does option 1 but then fully automatic and a lot faster. An auto joiner+verifier we highly recommend is: Joinify, which you can buy via our homepage.

We have 50+ features and we continue adding more.

• Super Fast
Velocity is written using golang. Golang is one of the faster programming languages available. This makes Velocity unique because it allows users to claim discord nitro codes in as little as 0.063 seconds.

• Fully Customizable
As a Velocity user, you have full control of the program. You can change and edit a ton of options making sure Velocity does exactly as you want it to do.

• Beginner Friendly
We have spent a lot of time making Velocity understandable and as easy to use as possible. Every option in the Velocity config file contains a brief description of what it exactly does and how you can edit it as a customer. In short, anyone can use Velocity!

• Constantly Updated
To ensure our Velocity customers are happy we try to update the program as much as we can. In our Discord server, we have a suggestions channel where users can leave suggestions in, for the upcoming Velocity update.

• Website Dashboard
Velocity comes with a personal website-based dashboard that you as a customer have access to. This dashboard can be used to download the Velocity program files (new and older versions) and reset your HWID.

• Tips and Tricks
To help new customers on their journey we offer tips and tricks to improve nitro claim success rates. We have an amazing support team and an amazing community to help you on your way 24/7

• Low CPU Usage
Velocity doesn't require an expensive powerful computer or VPS/RDP in order to run. You could potentially even run Velocity on a free VPS/RDP if you would want to.

• 3 Sniping Modes
Velocity offers 3 different types of sniping modes which you as a customer can choose from. "Snipe using alts and claim on main", "Snipe using alts+main and claim on alt", and "Snipe using main+alts and redeem in the sniped account"

• Anti Duplicated
Velocity detects duplicated servers and duplicated nitro codes. This will help to prevent you from getting rate-limited or having multiple alts running in lots of duplicated servers.

• Stackable Nitro
You can get as many months of Nitro as you want, the only limit is you.

• Server Finder
Velocity offers to capture servers that it finds and save them in a .txt file. Velocity can capture: "Members in the guild", "Guild name", and "Gift sent count".

• Discord Webhooks
Velocity support Discord webhooks. You can even fully customize them. We have an advanced webhook system that can send notifications on every event that happens.

• Multi-OS Supported
Velocity can run on Microsoft Windows, Linux, and macOS.

• Multi Token Supported
We support an unlimited amount of discord account tokens to be added to your Velocity config file. This allows you to snipe on as many servers, which will boost your sniping success rate, as you wish.

• Multi Sniping
Velocity can claim multiple Nitros that are in a single message, image, or QR code.

• Paste Tools Supported
Velocity supports 30+ paste tools! Whenever it finds a paste tool file it will check it for Nitro codes. If it finds any discord nitro codes, Velocity will immediately claim them.
We support the following paste tools:
- safenote.co
- controlc.com
- commie.io
- vpaste.net
- 5 ivpaste.com
- justpaste.it
- apaste.info
- ghostbin.com
- ghostbin.co
- secureshare.support
- 1ty.me
- quickforget.com
- temp.pm
- privatty.com
- saltify.io
- onetimesecret.com
- revealit.me
- pastebin.com
- anonfiles.com
- hatebin.com
- gofile.io
- paste2.org
- slexy.org
- pastelink.net
- paste.org.ru
- dumpz.org
- heypasteit.com
- paste.centos.org
- paste.ee
- 30 paste.ofcode.org
- justpaste.me

• OCR Sniper
Velocity is able to claim Nitro codes in images [Optical character recognition].

• QR Sniper
Velocity is able to claim Nitro codes that are in a QR.

• Embeds Sniper
Velocity is able to claim Nitro codes in embeds.

• TXT Sniper
Velocity is able to snipe Nitro codes that are in a Text File [TXT].

• Auto Giveaway Joiner
Besides sniping Velocity is also capable of joining giveaways that are being held in servers automatically. We support multiple giveaway bots, including the most used ones in discord servers. You can even edit after how many seconds passed you will join the giveaway.

• Smart Giveaway Claimer
Velocity can join giveaways, but it can also automatically claim giveaways that it has won. Whenever you win a giveaway you can make Velocity send a message to the creator of the giveaway to automatically claim your prize. You can set even set your own custom claim message.

• Giveaway Blacklister
With velocity, You can blacklist certain words and make it join only specific giveaways.

• 0% Dependence
We do not depend on any third parties! We do not use any website APIs to check for QR/OCR.

Our auth system is always online & we care about your privacy, that's why we save your passwords encrypted using military-grade encryption.

You can reset your Velocity HWID every 48 hours from within your dashboard. Please be aware that the first time you login via the Velocity program, will also count as an HWID reset.

Once you have purchased a program you will be able to register via that program's dashboard. Once you are logged in, you should immediately see the location to download the files.

To snipe a lot of Nitro codes we suggest using a VPS/RDP located around US east instead of using your own personal computer. The VPS/RDP does not need to be extremely powerful, however the slower your VPS/RDP is the less Nitro codes you will be able to successfully snipe. We recommend to run an as little amount of programs while using the sniper to make sure Velocity can run as fast as possible.

You will also need a lot of Discord accounts (AKA alts). And I am not talking about just regular alts, but the alts need to have joined as many servers in which they are able to see as many channels as possible. This is to boost the amount of channels Velocity will be able to check in for Nitro codes.

We test Velocity extremely often and we have beta testers to help us with this. If your Velocity randomly crashes it can be because of the following:

- Your main token has 2 factor authentication enabled.
Solution: disable it.

Place the token of your main account like this:
mainToken = "blablabla"

Place the tokens of your alts like this:
altTokens = ["blablabla",


Here you can find the Frequently Asked Questions for our discord auto joiner+verifier tool Joinify

Joinify is a tool that can be used to fill discord accounts with servers. When Joinify joins a discord server it will also automatically verify the discord account inside that server so it will have access to all the channels.

The main reason why you would want Joinify is for sniping discord nitro codes. As you know, some generous people sometimes share nitro gift codes in discord servers. So basically the more filled alts you have the more chance you'll have to snipe nitro codes. Manually filling an alt with servers and verifying in all those servers can be a big time waste. Especially when you spend hours filling accounts and end up having only a 6 accounts filled. To speed filling accounts up we have created the program Joinify. It is faster, undetected and easier than manually filling alts.

In order to use Joinify you will need:
- Fully verified discord tokens (sms+email)
- Discord server invite links

So you need fully verified discord tokens that you want to fill with servers. If you want to buy these tokens message Jonko on discord (via customer-only discord) or via telegram (@Jonko2). Note that you can not use unverified tokens, these will get termed as they are not secure enough according to discord guidelines. Besides tokens you will also need discord invite links. Joinify will use these links to join and verify in. Make sure to not put duplicated invite links in here because there is no point in sniping with 2 alts on 1 server. You can use our program Checky to check all your discord invite links to make sure there are no duplicated ones in your list.

You can reset your Joinify HWID every 24 hours from within your dashboard. Please be aware that the first time you login via the Velocity program, will also count as an HWID reset.

Once you have purchased a program you will be able to register via that program's dashboard. Once you are logged in, you should immediately see the location to download the files.

In the joinify file you should be able to find the tokens.txt file. Simply paste the tokens you want to fill in the tokens.txt file. Make sure to put one token per line in the txt file!

Discord Tokens

Here you can find the Frequently Asked Questions for the discord tokens that we sell

A Discord token is basically a combination of your Discord account's email and password. Every single time that your Discord client (ie, desktop app or browser version) requests something from Discord, such as new messages in a channel, or users in a server, or to ban someone, it sends your account's token along with it. This account token authenticates each and every request that you do - it is how Discord can verify that you are doing them, and not someone else. But if someone else has access to your Discord token that person could get into your account, bypassing all your account's security measures (even 2fa).

Your Discord token does not randomly reset every now and then. If you want to change your Discord token you need to change your password so your Discord client will create a new token and delete the old one.

So why would you want to buy Discord tokens? Well, because they are so easy to use, they are often utilized in automated Discord tools/programs. The user can quickly login to the account with the token, make the account execute whatever the user wishes to, and simply move on to the next account within milliseconds.

In order to login you will need a discord account token.

1. Go to discord.com
2. Open inspect element
3. Open console in inspect element
4. Copy and paste the text from here and paste your token in between "token here"
5. Click enter, done!

follow these teps to get your own discord token:

1. Login to your Discord account using a web browser.
2. Open a new tab and copy all the text from here
3. Go to the tab where you are logged in to your Discord account
4. Open inspect element and head over to console
5. Paste the text in the console and click enter
6. You can find your token in between the ""


Here you can find the general Frequently Asked Questions for Genefit

Regarding our automated shop, we only accept the following cryptocurrencies:
"Bitcoin Cash",

If you want to pay using a different cryptocurrency or PayPal please join our telegram server and ask it in chat so we can help you further.

All sales are final!

We do not offer any refunds whatsoever. However, we do offer support for all purchases.

Once you purchase a program you should receive a license key. If you bought the program via the website this license key should've been emailed to the email address you put in. If you bought the program via paypal the staff member dealing with your purchase should've given you your license key. In the top menu of our website you should be able to find the category [dashboard]. Click this and then click the program you want to register for. Once registered you will be able to access your program dashboard which will allow you to download your files and reset your program HWID

We recommend the following cryptocurrency wallets:
- exodus.com for Microsoft Windows, macOS, and phone app wallet
- guarda.com for Microsoft Windows, macOS, phone app, and website-based wallet
- atomicwallet.io for Microsoft Windows, macOS, and phone app wallet
- blockchain.com for website-based wallet

you can create a cryptocurrency wallet in under 3 minutes.
unlike some other cryptocurrency wallets, these have customizable transaction fees, and no minimum sending limit.

as current BTC and ETH network fees are high now
it's recommended you use Litecoin (LTC) or Bitcoin Cash (BCH) for low transaction fees and fast confirms speed.

We have a discord server. However, this discord server is only allowed to be used by Genefit customers. If you bought a product or service from Genefit you are allowed to join our customer-only discord server.

Add telegram user @Jonko2 and send him a message if you are a Genefit customer and would like to join the customer-only discord server.

- Telegram Announcement Channel
- Telegram General Chat
- Website

Telegram owner: @Infinimonster

Oops, please join our telegram server and ask your question(s) there so our team/community can help you as soon as possible.